Proficiency Testing Australia issues invoices to participants after registration. For participants wishing to pay by electronic funds transfer and credit cards, details are list below:
Electronic Funds Transfer
Company: Proficiency Testing Australia
Address: P O Box 7507 Silverwater NSW 2128 AUSTRALIA
ABN: 92 074 251 237
ACN: 074 251 237
Telephone: International +61 2 9736 8397
Contact Name: PTA Accounts Receivable
Bank & Branch: Commonwealth Bank of Australia - Chatswood
BSB: 062 140
Account No: 1057 9152
Swift Code: CTBAAU2S
Account Name: Proficiency Testing Australia
Remittance Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please email payment details for each transaction.
Credit Card Payments
Please return the credit card payment form to P.O Box 7507 Silverwater, NSW, 2128, AUSTRALIA or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.